Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Confessions Of A Gamer

We all have deep dark secrets, even when it comes to gaming. I've documented a few of mine, so here they are. Enjoy!

They're not that shocking... honestly Luigi, calm down

Being a Nintendo fan boy
Yes I admit (If you didn't already figure this out), I absolutely love anything and everything made by Nintendo. Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc... and Zelda, if I didn't mention that one already. I still however enjoy and play lots of other games and consoles made by other companies.

Being a n00b online
I've played a lot of games online, and while I'm not terrible... I'm not that great either. Sure, if I practise a game for so long I'm decent, but I lack that competitive streak that makes you want to climb to the top of the leader boards.

I love & hate achievements/trophies
This a hard one to describe,  but while I try to collect as many achievements as I can, and I think they are great for the longevity of games... the problem is that I get so ridiculously frustrated when I can't achieve/obtain them... I know right, it drives me INSANE!

I Cannot play games out of order
So, I can't play sequels to games without playing the previous titles. Exceptions of this rule are games that don't have any particular order or timeline.

I don't care much for Final Fantasy
Before you start hating me, I have nothing against the games themselves personally. I'm not sure if it boils down to the fact that I'm not really into hardcore RPGs, or that I just don't care much for turn-based gameplay. I can definitely appreciate the game design, visuals and art direction of each game... just can't seem to get overly excited for them.

I really don't care for COD
If the previous confession didn't shock you, here is yet another. Call of Duty is kind of boring... I've played my fair share of COD, but don't think there is anything impressive about the games. I understand that what they do (first person shooting), they do well. But they just don't seem to bring anything original to the table, or anything new...

Well there you go, my deepest darkest gaming secrets... nothing too sinister, but I wouldn't openly confess to these either.

What are your gaming confessions?

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